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"Tekeyan Business Centre",
50 Khanjyan St.,
Yerevan 0025, Armenia
Phone:(+374 10) 521356,
(+374 10) 555613,
Fax: (+374 10) 521356
E-mail: info@alpha.am
Equipment Renting
Equipment Renting
If information visualization equipment is necessary for you only from time to time or you do not have enough funds yet to purchase it immediately it might be more favorable for you to take advantages of renting of digital projectors, projection screens, professional LCD public displays or video conference equipment for seminars, presentations, exhibitions and other actions.

Currently at your disposal are available powerful digital projectors, different types of mobile projection screens, Full HD and 4K/UHD interactive LCD displays with up to 82" diagonal and other professional AV-equipment.

Attention! Since August 2008 for the first time in the Trans Caucasian region renting of multipoint and point-to-point Full HD Video Conference equipment is available in Armenia.

Installation, start-up the equipment and your event are conducted by our certified engineering personnel.

For the detailed information please call:
+ 374 10 52 13 56 or + 374 10 55 56 13

Making Effective Presentation


Having the access to technology when I started this outline on creating effective presentations, I looked up effective in the thesaurus. Effective pointed to several words, including: lively, competent, telling, practical.

Using those four descriptors as an evaluation:

How many times have you seen an effective presentation? How many times have you presented an effective presentation?

The following is a guide that might help steer you into a better understanding of what works and why! Sure there are several studies that could be cited but this is all coming from the hip, a work in progress (probably won’t ever get done). It is intended to help you evaluate your own presentation while making revisions.

The main drawback (if it is one) is once these points are noted, it is sometimes hard not to notice design problems when you attend presentations. Oh well, that is why they ask for evaluations at the end.

choose a plain font and stick to it try to maintain a maximum of four to six lines of text per slide use font sizes large enough to view from anywhere in the room try NOT to use fonts smaller than 28
choose a consistent background and keep it throughout the presentation IF you want a different background it should be used to bring attention to ONE slide choose one type of transition (this is not a movie) use complementary colors (colors that are opposite on the color wheel)
Use bullets to separate ideas title slides (helps establish a reference point) print outline if you wish audience to take notes keep the title in a general location (don’t jump all over the page) clip art should add to the content (not just to have clip art) sound clips should add to the content (not just demonstrate new sound card) don’t make slides to read from (slides should outline discussion) present on machine the presentation was created on when possible - different RAM, CPU speed, VRAM, plug-ins, fonts, etc. can cause frustration for presenter and audience experiment in final location before audience arrives (lights, outlets, modem, environment, etc.)

Clip art, sound, fonts, colors, backgrounds, transitions can be distracting and can MISDIRECT the attention of the audience from the intended content. Too often when presenters are preparing a slide show they forget why it is being used. It should be used to FOCUS attention.

All of these ideas might make for a basic presentation - BUT - it is the job of the presenter to be exciting and informative.

FOCUS ON CONTENT - do not try to show off what you can do with a canned package.

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