Firm Alpha CO., LTD was founded in 1995.
From the date of foundation the company’s main activities were applied to the high-speed digital printing equipment sphere. In year 1996 company became the sole authorized dealer of Rex-Rotary (Japan) in Armenia.
In year 2000 the company being the first in the Southern Caucasus region entered into AV-technologies and equipment business.
In the beginning of 2001 the Key-Distribution Agreement for the TransCaucasian region (Armenia and Georgia) was signed with Medium GmbH (Germany) – one of the leading at that time European manufacturers and suppliers of presentation technologies and equipment.
Since the second half of 2002 Firm Alpha CO., LTD had been the sole Authorized Distributor in Armenia of InFocus Corp. (USA) - one of the world leading at that time manufacturers of digital projection equipment.
In May 2006 Firm Alpha CO., LTD signed the Distribution Agreement with Mitsubishi Electric Corp. and became the sole Authorized Distributor and Service Center in Armenia of Mitsubishi Visual Display Products.
Since November 2006 Firm Alpha CO., LTD is Trans-Caucasian Regional Distributor (Armenia and Georgia) of SMART Technologies ULC (Canada) - the industry pioneer and one of the global market leaders in versatile Interactive Equipment and Software.
In March 2007 the company signed the Distribution Agreement (Armenia and Georgia) with one of the world leading manufacturers of information visualization equipment - AverMedia Technologies Inc. (now - AVer Information Inc., Taiwan).
Since the second half of 2007 Firm Alpha CO., LTD is the sole Authorized Partner in Armenia of Extron Electronics (USA) - the world leading manufacturer of professional A/V system products.
In June 2008 the company signed Authorized Channel Partner Agreement with TANDBERG Telecom AS (Norway) - at that time the one of the two undoubted leaders of the global videoconferencing market.
Since year 2008 Firm Alpha CO., LTD is also the sole Authorized Channel Partner and Service Reseller in Armenia of Polycom, Inc. (USA) - the second world videoconferencing industry leader.
Since year 2009 Firm Alpha CO., LTD is also the sole Authorized Partner in Armenia of Milestone AV Technologies (USA) (now – Legrand | AV, Brands - CHIEF, DA-LITE, Projecta, Vaddio).
Since year 2013 Firm Alpha CO., LTD is the sole Authorized Distributor in Armenia of Kramer Electronics (Israel) and since the end of year 2013 - the sole Authorized Distributor and Service Center in Armenia of NEC Display Solutions (now – Sharp NEC Display Solutions, Japan).
Since March 2014 Firm Alpha CO., LTD is the sole Authorized Distributor and Service Center in the field of Display products (Digital Projectors and Professional Displays) in Armenia of Panasonic Corp. (Japan)
Since spring 2018 Firm Alpha CO., LTD is the sole Authorized Distributor and Service Center of CleverTouch Interactive and Public Displays (UK) in Armenia and Georgia.
In the field of information visualization technologies and equipment Firm Alpha CO., LTD also cooperates with some other AV -equipment manufacturers.
As the recognized regional projection pioneer Firm Alpha CO., LTD has provided tremendous growth of the most up-to-dated information visualization technologies introduction in the every day work of regional and local governmental structures, business, education and science.
With more than 500 best-in-class products from digital projectors, interactive and public displays, professional conference cameras to high performance video conference equipment, video walls and LED displays FIRM ALPHA CO., LTD offers today the most comprehensive assortment on the Trans Caucasian regional market
Firm Alpha CO., LTD conducts both the visualization technologies and equipment distribution through the local partners (the overwhelming majority of the local IT/AV-companies) as well as direct sales of the equipment.
Among our esteem customers along with the state and private organizations is also a number of acting in Armenia international inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, foreign governmental offices, diplomatic missions, local representations of the world known multinational companies and different foundations, etc.
Realizing the importance of information visualization technologies introduction in education and science we are committed to establishing the long-term cooperation with the educational and scientific research organizations. We are proud of having the excellent relationships established with practically all the leading local state universities, the other local and foreign origin state and private higher educational organizations acting in Armenia as well as with a plenty of the local scientific and research institutions and centers.