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Home > Products > Multimedia (Digital) Business Projectors
Native Full HD (1,920x1,080) resolution
  On this page we are pleased to" present to your attention the multimedia (digital) projectors with basic or native (physical) Full HD (1,920 x 1,080 pixels) resolution. .

Resolution of your projectors LCD-matrixes or DLP-chip is one of the main characteristics of multimedia (digital) projectors, determining the quality of the image projected.

The higher is your projector`s native resolution the more detailed image it is capable to display.

At the same time, all the contemporary projectors have function of digital interpolation (compression or stretching) of images and are capable to work with resolution at one - two steps higher and lower the basic one.

The detailed description of any projector present on the page can be seen by clicking on a concrete projector in the right part of the screen.

On the site you can also compare with each other the basic characteristics of any digital projector present.

We with pleasure will assist you in the fast search of a concrete digital projector model you are interested in.

To calculate the projection size and distance please visit the special subsection of our site.

If the digital projectors are quite the new equipment for you we`ll be pleased to assist you in selection of the equipment the most suitable for your needs.

We are sure that our special recommendations on operation of digital projectors will certainly appear enough useful for your personnel .

The detailed explanations of special terms and abbreviations you may find in the "Glossary" subsection of our site.

If you are looking for a spare lamp for a digital projector please visit the special subsection of the site.                               

Panasonic PT-RZ475/Laser
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