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Aver VB130
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Aver VB130
Aver VB130  
 The All-in-One VB130 is equipped with the latest Intelligent Lighting so you can appear energetic and professional in any environment. Also, AVer`s audio fence, beamforming technology, and audio tracking precisely pick up voices. There’s even auto framing to fit every participant onscreen in seconds. Activate a brighter and better video conferencing experience with the VB130. 

Flexibly adjust the field of view ( FOV) to fit y our situation. Equipped with a dual FOV function, the AVer VB130 ensures viewers always focus on the right spot and lets you experience versatile, 4K imaging in focus rooms or huddle rooms.

Look energetic and professional onscreen no matter where you are. AVer`s VB130 automatically adjusts lighting levels during virtual meetings in dim rooms*, and it also offers full-range color temperature (2700–5700 K) to fit any environment. Show your best side via AVer Intelligent Lighting. 

Make sure you have an uninterrupted video meeting experience with the VB130` s audio shield. AVer noise-blocking technology provides an adjustable audio fence that lets you silence any sound outside the viewing angle. Maintain focus on the meeting at hand to take advantage of every business opportunity.      

    Technical Data Sheet : English (2 MB)
    Technical Data Sheet : Russian (125 KB)
    Brochure : English (2 MB)
    Brochure : Russian (2 MB)
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