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SMART Technologies ULC Equipment

SMART Technologies ULC is the industry pioneer and market leader in developing collaborative products for classrooms and meeting rooms. Founded in 1987 by partners David Martin and Nancy Knowlton, SMART Technologies ULC began as the Canadian distributor for a U.S. projector company. Revenue generated through projector sales was directed toward the research and development of the SMART Board interactive whiteboard that would enable groups to interact and instantaneously share information with people in the same room or around the world.

SMART Technologies Inc. introduced the first SMART Board interactive whiteboard in 1991. It was the first interactive whiteboard to provide touch control of computer applications and annotation over standard Microsoft Windows applications. The SMART Board interactive whiteboard, connected to an LCD panel and a computer, introduced the world to interactive technology in classrooms, group meetings and presentations. In recognition of this innovation, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has granted three patents to Dave (which are assigned to SMART), and other patent applications on this concept are in process. As well, patents are pending around the world.             

SMART Interactive Displays
SMART Podium Interactive Pen Displays
SMART Classroom Suite Interactive Learning Software
SMART Remote Management
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